How can I cancel my policy?
You can contact us by telephone on 03333 233 881 or by email at info@i4me.co.uk. If contacting us by email, please ensure you include your policy number, the date your policy is to be cancelled from and the bank details where you would like any refund sent to (if applicable). If your policy is being paid by direct debit, please cancel the direct debit with your bank.
Am I entitled to a refund if I cancel my policy?
You may cancel your policy during your 14 day cooling off period or at any other time throughout your policy. You will be charged for the time that you have been covered and cancellation fees may apply. Please contact us or see your policy wording to see what cancellation terms apply to you.
I need to provide proof of my buildings insurance to my solicitors and/or mortgage company, are you able to supply this?
Yes, we can send confirmation of your insurance directly to your solicitors and/or mortgage company. Please contact us with their contact details.
Will my mortgage companies interest be noted on my policy?
Yes, their interest will be noted on your policy schedule.
I am going to be moving out and letting my house out, do I need to advise you?
Yes, as we will need to amend your insurance policy to ensure you have the correct cover in force.
I am moving house, do I need to cancel my existing policy and take out a new policy?
No, we can simply amend your current policy to cover your new home. Please contact us so we can take all of the relevant details and provide you with a revised quotation.
I am moving house and my current house is still up for sale, am I able to cover both?
Yes, we can add your new property to your policy and keep cover on your current property until it is sold. We can also cover contents in both properties if required.
My tenants are moving out, do I need to tell you?
If you are planning on re-tenanting your property again shortly, no you do not need to contact us. However, cover restrictions will apply if your property is left unoccupied over a certain period of time. Please see your policy wording or contact us for more details.
Is my bicycle covered?
Under your Contents insurance, your bicycle will be covered whilst at your home, although certain limits apply to property in the open or outbuildings. To cover your bicycle away from the home you will require Personal Belongings Cover.
What value should I insure my Contents for?
Your Contents are covered on a new for old basis, therefore you should insure them for the amount it would cost to replace them with equivalent items at today’s prices.
Am I covered for Accidental Damage?
Accidental Damage is included as standard on some policies and is an optional extra on other policies. Please see your policy schedule to see if this cover is included.
How can I renew my policy?
Please contact us on 03333 233 881.
What is a policy excess?
A policy excess is the amount you would have to pay, should you make a claim on your insurance policy.
What is my policy excess?
Please see your policy schedule to see your current excess.
Are my belongings covered when I go on holiday abroad?
Your belongings will be covered when you are abroad if you have Personal Belongings Cover, subject to a single article limit.
How much will my renewal increase if I make a claim?
This will be depend on the type of claim, value of the claim and how many claims you have made overall. Each renewal is calculated on an individual basis and you will be informed of any increase prior to your renewal.
Do I need to send you proof of ownership for my contents?
No, however should you make a claim you may be asked to provide proof of ownership and value, such as valuations or purchase receipts.
Are my carpets covered under my buildings or contents?
Carpets are covered under your contents. If you turn your house upside down, anything that would fall out would be classed as contents, such as carpets, blinds and curtains.
Are my kitchen appliances covered under my buildings or contents?
If the appliances are freestanding, they are covered under your contents. If they are built in and cannot be moved, they are covered under your buildings.
If a pipe bursts, am I covered?
If the pipe bursts due to wear and tear, the damage to the pipes is not covered. However, any subsequent damage to your buildings or contents caused by the escape of water is covered, provided your home has not been left unoccupied for longer than the unoccupancy period in your policy.
I live in an area prone to flooding, are you able to give me flood cover?
Each property is assessed individually, therefore we would require full details about whether your property has flooded previously or how close your property is to an area which has previously flooded.
Are my solar panels covered?
Yes. If they are fitted to your buildings they are covered under your buildings section. If they are freestanding in the garden, they are covered under your contents section.
Is my garage covered?
Yes, provided it is used for domestic purposes only and is within the boundaries of your home.
Do I need to specify all of my valuable contents?
No, you only need to specify items which are classed as valuables under the definition of valuables in your policy wording, such as paintings, antique furniture, furs etc. You also only need to specify valuables which are over £2,000 or 5% of your total contents sum insured, whichever is the highest.
I am having some renovations carried out at my home, do I need to tell you?
Yes, you will need to advise us before any works begin. Dependent on the works being carried out, certain restrictions may be put on your policy until the works are being completed. Please contact us so we can discuss these with you.
My home has been damaged, can I have the repairs completed myself and then claim back the cost?
Please do not have any remedial works completed without speaking to our claims department first, apart from any necessary emergency repairs to prevent any further damage. Our claims department will then discuss with you the option of having your own repairers completing the works.
I run a business from my home, will this affect my insurance?
This will depend on the type of business you run. If it is solely clerical work just for you, this will be covered. If there is any other type of business run, please contact us so we can take further details.
If I have a lodger, will this affect my insurance?
Yes, cover for lodgers is not included as standard. However, please contact us and we can amend your policy and cover accordingly.
How do I get a copy of my policy schedule?
You can view your policy documents online at any time by logging into your account. Alternatively, we can post a duplicate copy of your documents to you upon request, however charges may apply.
Can I get a copy of an insurance quote via email?
Yes, you can either obtain a quotation online and email this to yourself, or you can contact us by telephone and provide your details and we can then email the quote to you.
How long will it take to settle my claim?
All claims are different, therefore this will depend on the type and size of the claim. Our claims advisors will keep you updated throughout your claim.
Do I receive a certificate of insurance, like in car insurance?
No, we do not issue certificates of insurance. When you take out an insurance policy, you will receive a policy schedule and a statement of fact. At each renewal, you will receive a new policy schedule.
Can I insure my house if I do not live there permanently?
Yes, we can insure second homes, commercially let holiday homes, permanently let properties to tenants and unoccupied properties.
My tenants are claiming benefits, are you able to cover my property?
Yes, we can provide cover for a wide range of tenants, including tenants claiming housing benefits, housing association tenants and properties let directly to the council.
How can I make a claim on my insurance policy?
Please contact us on 03333 233 881.
I have received a quote online but I would like to discuss it with someone, am I able to do this?
Yes, please contact us on 03333 233 881 with your quotation reference number and we will be happy to discuss this with you. We can also arrange the cover over the telephone for you.
My house has been underpinned, are you able to give me subsidence cover?
All cases are considered individually. We will require copies any paperwork you have regarding the underpinning before we are able to make a decision.
You have increased my buildings and contents sums insured at renewal, am I able to reduce these sums insured?
Yes, however we would strongly recommend you do not do this without seeking professional advice, to ensure your house and belongings are not underinsured. If you wish to reduce your sums insured, we will require confirmation in writing.
Can you tell me if my home is at risk of flooding?
Unfortunately we cannot advise you of this. We would recommend you contact the Environmental Agency.
I am a leaseholder of a flat and the buildings are already insured, however I fitted a new kitchen which isn’t covered, are you able to cover this?
Yes, we can provide cover for your contents and fixtures and fittings, which are your responsibility to insure.
I live in a rented property so I only require contents cover, are you able to provide this?
Yes, we can insure your contents and personal belongings if required.
I let my property out, are you able to provide liability cover?
Property owners’ liability cover is included automatically with both buildings and/or contents cover. We are only able to provide this cover if you insure the buildings and/or contents, we cannot provide this cover separately.
Can I pay for my insurance policy with somebody else’s card?
Yes, however we would need to speak to this person to obtain their permission.
Can somebody else pay for my insurance policy?
Yes, however they would need to be able to confirm your policy number and the amount due. We would not be able to discuss any aspect of your policy with them, without your prior permission.
Can somebody else discuss my insurance policy with you?
We will only discuss your insurance policy with those people you have requested to be authorised agents on your policy. To add an authorised agent to your policy, please contact us on 03333 233 881 or email us at info@i4me.co.uk. We will require their full name, date of birth and correspondence postcode, as these details will be used for Data Protection should they contact us. Please note, we will take all instructions from your authorised agents, including amending or cancelling your policy.
Can I do anything to minimise further damage after a burst pipe?
Remove as much excess water as possible, using towels, bowls etc. Move any undamaged furniture or belongings out of the affected area. Open doors and windows to improve ventilation. Remove damaged carpets, provided the floor below is polished wood, but retain these for inspection.
My house has been damaged in storms, am I able to do anything?
You can contact a qualified tradesman to carry out any emergency repairs necessary to make your home safe. Please keep all invoices as these can be considered in your claim. If possible, please take photos of the damage as these will help with your claim.
Can I get a quotation on behalf of somebody else?
Yes you can, however should you wish to arrange cover, we would require the insured’s person consent.
I only want an indication for my insurance, are you able to provide this without all of my details?
All of the questions we ask have an impact on the underwriting and pricing of our quotations, therefore unfortunately we are unable to provide you with an indication only, as this could change greatly upon full information being provided.
My home has been badly damaged and I cannot live in it, what do I do?
If your home is severely damaged due to an event which is covered on your insurance policy and you therefore cannot live in your property, we will pay for you and your family to live in temporary emergency accommodation whilst repairs are being carried out. Please see your policy wording for limits that apply.
How can I get an update on my claim?
Please contact your insurers claims advisors directly.
Is there anything I can do to reduce the risk of frozen pipes this winter?
Ensure all of your pipes and tanks are fully lagged and repair any dripping taps. Leave the heating on to maintain a constant temperature in your house. Leave any loft hatch open to allow warm air to enter the loft